Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Club Information

Wave Shape

Club Information

Founded in 1982, the Worthing Branch of the British Sub Aqua Club is based in West Sussex on the South Coast. As with most clubs, members, for various reasons, come and go and the branch remains quite small and friendly with a & “hard core” fluctuating around 50+ members.

We meet on Monday evenings, alternating between the local swimming pool, (Splashpoint Leisure Centre) and Worthing Rowing Club. Pool sessions are from 20:30 until 22:00, whereas dry sessions are from 20:00 until closing time.

New members are always welcome and can have a go at scuba diving with a try dive for only £10 which is refundable on joining. The club membership fee is £18/month. There is also an additional annual fee that members pay to BSAC. This includes insurance, membership support and up to date information on diving.

The club is the proud owner of an 8m rib with a 250hp Suzuki engine, giving us the ability to reach all the local wrecks (quickly!).

Club diving takes place on most weekends (weather permitting), the dives being published on the website. Dives can also be organised for in the week and evening. Members are welcome to organise their own dive trips using the rib (subject to DO approval) anytime. Most of our diving takes place from Littlehampton, although trips are organised to both other parts of the country and abroad. For instance we have an annual trip down to Portland Harbour and take the rib with us so we can get out to the many dive sites in the area.

Some members have ventured further afield and have experienced the delights of sites all over the world, including the Red Sea, Australia, Mexico, Cuba, Thailand, Bonaire and Indonesia. There is generally an annual trip diving abroad that the club arranges that is open to all. The latest one was a live aboard going out from Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt.

Visit BSAC.com